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Last Updated:
1/7/2025 10:57 PM



We are saddened to let you all know that on December 5th, 2008 at 10 AM, our little Einstein crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge.  Einstein had actually shown improvement, by starting to play with toys, running, and barking at the other dogs in the house, but his condition was more than his little body could overcome.

On Einstein's first visit with the neurosurgeon, they recommended we try him on some medications to see if that would help him.  We were looking forward to his appointment the end of the month to discuss surgery.  As fate would have it, Einstein was not destined to make that second appt.  The last 24 hours of Einstein's life was hard on us and harder on him.  He started out by not eating and then he started waking and screeching in pain.  He slept a lot and showed some signs of possible seizure activity.  Einstein kept his head resting way back on his back, a sign of pain in dogs.  On the morning of December 5th we knewjust knew that it was "time".
All of the other dogs here, said their good byes to Einstein with little nose nudges and licks.  They too, will miss him.  But Einstein will soon be back with us.  We chose to have him cremated and will keep his remains here with us forever.

I must admit that little Einstein didnt spend much time on his legs, unless he was restless.  He was one that my husband would always have on his chest when watching TV in the evenings.  He had his own bed next to daddy and when he would wake up at night wanting to roam, daddy would get up with him and let Einstein roam, to his hearts content, no matter how far into the night those roamings went.
A super big hug of thanks to each of you that contributed to Einstein's medical treatment.  Your kindness and generosity will never be forgotten by Einstein or my husband and I.
Rest in Peace our precious, precious Einstein!
Momma and Daddy with all the Goof Troop

